Obsidian Forest
by Alps Aris Sarsis

I knew when things were going sour. I had often been told by my family that you never stay at a party where someone eventually starts to drink someone else’s blood. Those kind of parties always go bad, they said. While I remembered nothing of my family, this was an idea that stuck in my head! So, I struggled a bit, and got loose, just as some of her blood streaked over my muzzle. I did not want that! And I got up, and I started to run. 

I heard her scream loudly behind me, and then she gave chase. She moved swiftly behind me through the forest. I could not believe I was still able to run, but eventually, the loss of blood through the wounds she gave me weakened me, and I fell. I tumbled down a hill, and came to rest in a creek. Face down. I could not move. I had not realized what it was that she was doing. The knife had been poisoned, and the antidote she already had in her blood. She was trying to treat the poison. 

I could not hear her footsteps. I had escaped. I had actually managed to get away from her. Lucky me, I thought, as my lungs filled with water and the world around me went black.



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